Dentsply Sirona announces new sustainability strategy. Beyond. Taking Action for a Brighter World.
Источник: Nasdaq GlobeNewswire / 23 сен 2021 06:35:00 America/Chicago
CHARLOTTE, N.C., Sept. 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- DENTSPLY SIRONA Inc. (“Dentsply Sirona”) (Nasdaq: XRAY), Dentsply Sirona announced today its updated sustainability strategy, the release of its inaugural sustainability report, and new sustainability hub on its website. Dentsply Sirona’s disclosure is aligned with the guidelines from the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and the Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
“Sustainability is fundamental to our mission and vision. We strive to create long term value for all our stakeholders by supporting our customers to provide world-class dental care, while integrating sustainability and lifecycle thinking into everything we do,” said Jorge M. Gomez, Chief Financial Officer, Dentsply Sirona and chair of the Dentsply Sirona Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Committee.
Aligned with 10 UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), Dentsply Sirona’s sustainability strategy focuses on three strategic pillars: “Healthy Planet”, which strives to mitigate the environmental impact of our operations; “Healthy Smiles”, which focuses on improving oral health quality and access globally, supporting our customers and fostering a healthy company culture; and, “Healthy Business”, which ensures our business is built via responsible and transparent practices and the effective integration of sustainability principles across all aspects of our business.
2020 sustainability highlights and the next milestones:
Healthy Planet highlights:
- Established a robust baseline for Scopes 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and implemented a range of on-site emissions reduction initiatives
- Set out to reduce Scopes 1 and 2 GHG Emissions Reduction ≥ 15% by 2025, and to achieve net zero carbon emissions (scopes 1-3) by 2050
- 6% YOY decrease in total waste (solid and hazardous) per measure of net sales, and set out to reduce total waste ≥15% by 2025
- Established a goal to reduce water withdrawal for manufacturing/warehouse operations by ≥15% by 2025
Healthy Smiles highlights:
- Trained more than 1 million dental professionals in 2020
- Nearly 7,300 Clinical Education and training courses conducted in 80 countries
- Set goal to achieve 25 million smiles by 2025
- Working to achieve gender parity and gender pay parity by 2025
- More than $10 million provided in cash and in-kind donations to philanthropic and community initiatives
Healthy Business highlights:
- 50% of Board members are gender and/or ethnically diverse, with average tenure of 5 years
- 60% of Board committees chaired by women
- 91% of Board is independent (all except Chief Executive Officer)
Joining forces to achieve more
Dentsply Sirona is partnering on a series of initiatives designed to move the dental industry forward towards a more sustainable future. Dentsply Sirona is a Founding Partner in the FDI World Dental Federation’s “Sustainability in Dentistry” initiative, joining GSK, Procter & Gamble, Colgate and TePe to create a Code of Good Practice, which will provide guidelines and objectives for achieving a sustainable procurement and supply process throughout the dental industry.
“The world is facing major environmental, social and economic challenges, and all sectors need to step up and play their part,” says Don Casey, Chief Executive Officer, Dentsply Sirona. “As a global leader in dentistry, Dentsply Sirona has a responsibility to go above and beyond to create a more sustainable future – empowering not only our employees, but our customers, partners and peers to take action with us.”
About Dentsply Sirona
Dentsply Sirona is the world’s largest manufacturer of professional dental products and technologies, with a 134-year history of innovation and service to the dental industry and patients worldwide. Dentsply Sirona develops, manufactures, and markets a comprehensive solutions offering including dental and oral health products as well as other consumable medical devices under a strong portfolio of world class brands. As The Dental Solutions Company, Dentsply Sirona’s products provide innovative, high-quality and effective solutions to advance patient care and deliver better, safer and faster dentistry. The Company’s shares of common stock are listed in the United States on Nasdaq under the symbol XRAY. Visit www.dentsplysirona.com for more information about Dentsply Sirona and its products.
Contact Information
Andrea Daley
VP, Investor Relations